Employment Services

PSU employment staff provide services, through both Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, to assist individuals with obtaining and maintaining employment in their community. Our employment staff are Certified Employment Support Professionals (CESP) that work with individuals and teams to identify employment interest, define employment parameters, and assist with locating and negotiating with employers.

We Offer Help With:

Job Seeking Skills

Career Exploration, Discovery & Planning

Job Development & Coaching

Job Retention

Group Employment Services

Vocational Habitation Services

Community-Based Assessments

A.I.M. (Adult Integration in Motion)

PSU strives to support individuals while encouraging them and helping them build meaningful relationships in their communities. We offer a variety of opportunities for individuals to have experiences in their community and develop connections with other community members.

Talk To Us

Contact us to learn more about our community and employment services, find out about opportunities for employers, or to find out how you can get involved!

Are You An Employer?

PSU can help solve your staffing and production problems. We offer supervised training at no cost to employers and an on-site Job Coach for as long as is needed. We can also provide a employment group working under our supervisor at your place of business.



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